
Showing posts from March, 2021

Week 10 Story Lab

 Writer's Write Notes: I liked how they gave us ideas when it comes to deal with a rejected manuscript. The writing process takes a while and not every thing we do is going to be accepted.  How to choose your genre was also very helpful especially for this class. I am doing a portfolio so I do not need a specific genre, but I really enjoyed reading about good ways to choose a genre.  How to use setting as a conflict is also very interesting and brought up a lot of good points. I could use a lot of the ideas in my own writing to add a new element to my stories.  ( Writers write )

Reading Week 10 part A

 Monkey and Crocodile crocs in water watching monkeys jump across water mother croc tells her son to get one for her to eat little croc doesn't know how to catch a monkey on land little croc finds a clever way to get the monkey into the water monkey ends up tricking the croc and escaping.  ( monkey and crocodile ) Bibliography:  The Monkey and the Crocodile  by Ellen C. Babbit

Week 9 story

 Drona One day, a young boy was skipping rocks with his father. His dad was showing him the best rock skipping technique but the boy was too small and weak to properly throw the rock. The father told him that one day, he would be strong enough to skip rocks even further than him. The little boy was filled with hope and courage and remembered that moment for the rest of his life. They walked back home and went to sleep. The next morning, the boy had to go to school and his father had to go to work. In the middle of the school day a caravan of armed men approached the schoolyard while the boys were at recess. The school was raided by a local militia looking for child warriors. The militia used their weapons and numbers to shoot up the staff and killed all of the teachers and workers so that only the young kids were left. The little boy and his friends were forced to join the army against their will and fight against the government. These radical soldiers brainwashed the children into...

Reading notes Week 9 part A

 Five Tall Sons  Bibliography:  The Five Tall Sons of Pandu  by Richard Wilson . This story gave me a lot of interesting ideas. I like the idea of writing a story about 5 brothers and making it seem like a reality tv show. This would be a very fun story to write about and I look forward to having fun with the writing process.  ( Drona trains the princes .)

Week 8 Progress

 Looking at my progress so far, I am actually ahead in this class. I tried to take advantage of the extra credit weeks but I did not do all of it. I am in a good place and might even have the energy to work a little extra and finish the class early. Looking forward to the rest of this class and what work I will complete in the future.  ( Progress )

Week 8 comments and feedback

 comments and feedback have been very useful for me throughout this semester. I have enjoyed commenting on others posts and I have enjoyed reading the comments on my posts. It has been very beneficial for me as I have developed my writing skills.  ( comments )

Week 8 Reading and Writing

 Looking back at my old reading posts I have really enjoyed the work I have done so far. I have come up with some really cool ideas from the stories I have read and I have even written some pretty cool stories myself. I am very satisfied with my blog so far and am looking forward to the work I will do in the future.  ( Roast Me ) The reason I chose this picture is because I love how funny it is. I used this for my comment wall to make it a fun and relaxed environment when people are commenting on my posts. I encourage criticism and wanted to make sure people felt comfortable commenting on my posts. 

Week 7 Story

 Drona One day, a young boy was skipping rocks with his father. His dad was showing him the best rock skipping technique but the boy was too small and weak to properly throw the rock. The father told him that one day, he would be strong enough to skip rocks even further than him. The little boy was filled with hope and courage and remembered that moment for the rest of his life. They walked back home and went to sleep. The next morning, the boy had to go to school and his father had to go to work. In the middle of the school day, a very bad thing happened to the boy. The school was raided by a local militia looking for child warriors. The shot up the staff and killed all of the teachers and workers so that only the young kids were left. The little boy and his friends were forced to join the army against their will and fight against the government.  When his father got home from work, there were two men on his porch.  He asked them, "what's wrong?"  and the men respon...

Reading Notes Part A

 The Raid I found this story to be pretty interesting. I would end up changing a lot about it to make it more interesting for me and I would use a different idea of a "Raid" than what they did in the story.  Bibliography:  The prose is from  Indian Myth and Legend  by Donald A. Mackenzie  ( RAID )

Week 6 story: House of Fire

 House of Fire I was born under unfortunate circumstances. My father was a king, but my mother was a slave. You can rightfully assume that I was not planned or wanted. However, when this happens in royalty, it causes problems.  My father, the King, also had another child that is supposed to be the true heir to the throne. This child is the one he had with the queen before he cheated on her with my mother. The child's name is Joe. Joe has always been better than me in every way. Everyone loves him and he is good at everything he does. Joe is also loved by his parents and my father makes it clear to us both that Joe is the favorite. Of course this hurts me to hear, but after all of these years I am used to it.  One day, Joe was competing in a competition as he usually does. He was going up against a larger opponent; however, because he is Joe, everyone expected him to win easily. This was not the case and unfortunately, Joe was severely hurt. This caused massive panic among...

Reading Notes Part B

 Drona young men should be trained to bear arms this makes me think of a child army I could write a cool story about some of those aspects my notes do not reflect on the story I read today, my notes are what the story I read inspired me to write about in the future. I think I could have a lot of fun with a story like this ( Bharadwaja, father of Drona )   Indian Myth and Legend  by Donald A. Mackenzie

Reading Notes Part A

 The House of Fire I liked the palace idea I liked the idea that the mother and son were afraid the father was going to burn them This story gave me a lot of ideas on writing an escape story I think that this story taking place in a palace makes the escape story so much more entertaining I could be more descriptive on the scenery to really set the scene ( Palace )   The Indian Heroes  by C. A. Kincaid (1921).