Time Strategies

Personally, I have always been a responsible student. I care about my grades and strive to get the best grade possible in each class. Even when I was younger, my mom never had to make me do my homework or put time restraints on me so I would get my classwork done; I always wanted to do well and did not need any outside source telling me to get work done. The one thing that does sometime get me is procrastination. My procrastination is different than others however. I like to get assignments done a few days before they are due and if I finish an assignment on the due date I am stressed while doing it. Me "procrastinating" is waiting til a day or two before the assignment is due for me to actually do it. I really enjoyed reading about some time management strategies and how to better manage the workload of school. With this particular class I plan to try to do the weeks assignments in the first few days of the week so I can focus on my other classes the rest of the week. I ha...