Feedback Thoughts
This was very interesting to read about. Personally, I am afraid of rejection and this changes how I go about doing things. Reading this article was a nice refresher on how I should not be so afraid of rejection and pursue things with passion. It is always scary when you work really hard for something and then people end up not liking what you have done. What reading this article taught me is to do things you are passionate about and work your hardest and at the end of the day, you should be proud of what you done and learn from that experience.
This article was also very helpful. A lot of the time I get so stuck in one way of thinking, I forget how to be creative again. Constantly changing how you look at things is very important in growing as a person. It is hard to look at things from a different perspective; however, that is a great skill and such a useful tool to have for the rest of our lives. If we can learn how to change a fixed mindset, not only will we become better writers, but we will also become better people.
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